I made a cleft into the wall to let in the sea, creating a curtain of water which let me look out into the sky, letting me know if it was day or night. It also shall double as a useful entrance if I ever have the need to escape into the sea.
Digging down to the foundations of the island, I fell through into a ravine, discovering a pool and a magma spring. I now begin to shape this new found extension into something usable, and minable.
I found gems, blue and red teardrops, but I lost them to the lava. Running from the flow I fell into a hole, luckily landing in water. Further exploration has shown a broad world of lava and waterfalls, and most curiously, I have stumbled upon a mine.
After many hours digging through the rough ground with a large lump of flint, heading upwards, I finally broke through into the ocean, swimming as hard as I can I surfaced near an island inhabited by a large amount of sheep, which I chased, attacking with my flint to provide some sustenance after my long imprisonment underground.
I also found sugarcane, and happily sucked to satiate my sweet tooth.
I have made a pillar of stone to guide me back to this pleasurable location, but I believe I see land marks known to me far to the east, and so I shall set out across the arid sands which separate them from me.
I have finally reached the end of the great desert and I have found a strange oasis.
A large waterfall is pouring into the greenlands of what appears to be a marshland.
Curiously, I found squids within an inland pool, surrounded by sheep and wild pigs.
I will create an outpost here, until I can craft the tools required for me to return to my home, and that strange mine.
I hope to find some record of people having lived in this new land, and traces of where they may be now.